
Monday, 22 March 2010

March, 24th : 10th Anniversary 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia

Today, it's time to remember. Time to have a close look at history to learn from our past mistakes.Watch carefully the following documentary ( and try to answer the following questions I've prepared for you all: (Remember that you can use the wikipedia sources and watch the documentary as many times as necessary to answer the questions):
1.- How many Kosova-Albanians were saved thanks to the NATO-USA military intervention?
2.- Who was Milosevic?
3.- Who was Madeline Albright?. She considers Milosevic the s_ _ _ _ _ of the problem.
4.- Give a synonym in British English to the American English expression "they were not kidding".
5.- Who was the president of the United States during that conflict? (= in 1999)
6.- What's the current capital city of Yugoslavia?
7.- What were the first and second targets by the coalition armies?
8.- How's pronounced the word bombing? Give a phonetic transcription.
9.- The hardest attack took place in................................................... And it took place after _______ days after the beginning of the conflict.
10. What's the American word to refer to the centre of a city?.
11. What was Russian's attitude towards this conflict?
12. Who was Russian President during the Kosova War?
13. Do you think this documentary is biased or partial, or on the contrary, it is quite impartial?