
Thursday 15 March 2012

Getting to know USA: a Debate.

As I explained to you yesterday, the point of this group activity is:

- First. Select a state of the United States of America: the one that you most like or the one that draws your attention, it's up to you!

- Second. Look for as much information as you can about that state.

- Third. Through an oral presentation, persuade your classmates your state is the nicest and the most interesting one, the one everybody should visit.

Remember: the most persuading students will be given an award.

1st ESO A Groups:

- Alba García and Elena Cabeza: NEW YORK.
- Clara Crespo and Isabel Álvarez: FLORIDA.
- Gonzalo Cabrera and Álvaro Cobos: CALIFORNIA.
- Jaime Capilla and Alejandro: ILLINOIS.

1st ESO B Groups:

- Patri Gil and Elena Jiménez: NEW YORK.
- Noelia Guerrero, Lucía González and Alba Fernández: ALASKA.
- Marta Gutiérrez and Elena Boza: FLORIDA.
- Albert Mateo and Jack Mesa: CALIFORNIA.
- Jesús Gordillo and Willy Hinojosa: COLORADO.
- Elías Hernández and Paula Jiménez: WASHINGTON.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


Hi there! I've found some links that can be useful for some of the topics you're gonna talk about in the debate:

- Bullfighting.

- The Spanish Educational System. 

- Job Market in Spain.

- Private School / Education vs. Public School / Education.

Tuesday 13 March 2012


I think time has come to start thinking about one of the most important festivities in the world, that is, St Patrick's Day. As most of you probably know, he was the man in charge of christianising the still pagan island of Ireland. After this quest, he became both a saint and the patron of the mentioned country. Let's start the session with a cartoon in which this saint's legend and story is explained pretty well:

Now, let's watch and learn from the most scientific version of the myth included in

Let's finish the session by doing the following treasure hunt that will let you learn lots of things about this festivity. Write down all the answers in your notebook:

Sunday 11 March 2012

Feeling happy and optimistic after correcting the exams and seeing the outstanding results!

It seems that you, or at least most of you, 4th ESO students, are starting to be familiar with my way of teaching and to know exactly what is expected from you this school year. In short, those who used to get a 5 are now getting better marks. On the other hand, those who used to fail are starting to pass the exams. So, I wanna let you know I'm really happy with the results and with all of you. Thanks a lot! C u on Mon!