
Tuesday 16 February 2010

Baby Fight (1st year of International Commerce, Spanish Lyceum Luis Buñuel, Paris)

1st. Watch carefully the following commercial (click here

2nd. Give 5 examples of verbs in Past Simple.

3rd. What's the difference in meaning between "fathers" and "parents"?.

4th. Find in the ad a synonym of "mother".

5th. What's the meaning of "weapon"?. How's pronounced?.

6th. Translate into Spanish:
- "From now on Fathers and Sons can fight on equal terms".
- "The softness of their skin got them all their mom's attention".

7th. Do you think this ad promotes violence?.

8th. Do you consider everything should be allowed in the world of publicity?.


Anonymous said...

actividad 2 (M.V.M)3ªeso

dani lopez rico 3 eso said...

pregunta 1
pregunta 2
la diferencia es que father´s es la figura masculina y parent´s se refiere a la persona masculina y femenina
pregunta 3
pregunta 4
arma, [’wepən]
pregunta 5
de ahora en adelante padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones
la suavidad de su piel atrajo toda la atención de su mamá
pregunta 6
no because a baby is not violent
pregunta 7
no because is very important the publicity

Anonymous said...

Mariana V.Matamoros
3º fathers: plural de padre solo la fijura masculina
Parents: Padre y Madre juntos

4º Mother ---> Mom

5º weapon [’wepən] significa "arma"

6ºDe ahora Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones".
"La suavidad de su piel que tiene toda la atención de su mamá".

7ºNo, I think the ad tells us that women prefer a man without a beard like the skin of the baby: D

8ºas not to offend others peoples YES (:

Anonymous said...


Father:father es el padre en si mismo
Parents:Son los dos padres--->la madre y el padre.



From now on Fathers and Sons can fight on equal terms:De ahora en adelante Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.

The softness of their skin got them all their mom's attention:La suavidad de su piel atrajo toda la atención de su mamá.

I do not think it's an ad with violence because it is a cartoon and because a baby and father never fought.

There are things we can afford in the world of advertising but for me there are things that one should not do.

Sebas 1º COM said...

2. Got / Was / Had / Discovered /

3.Fathers son los papas y parents los padres


5. Es una arma se pronuncia "Wipon"

6.Ahora los papas y los hijos estan al mismo nivel

La dulzura de sus pieles les daban toda la atencion de sus madres

7. no I think it's more a joke to promote the effiency of the new razor of Wilkinson. That babie's have to innove to still getting their mother's attention.

8.No some things have to be prohibed like very violent scenes, unhealthy promotion or something like that, but in this case I think it's OK!

melanie 1ro com said...

2. was , got , discovered , had

3.father only for mens or parents reprensent women and men

4. mom s mum

5. es una arma
the weapon is a wikilson quattro.

6.a partir de ahora padre y hijo pueden luchar a armas iguales
la suavidad de su piel pueden captar la atencion de su madre

7.yes i think the promote is violent , the son is rival of the father , he wants the moms attention for himself, he will fight with father . i consider is too much for publicity , it can create more violent persone .

Yolanda 1º COMERCIO said...

6.From now on Fathers and Sons can fight on equal terms.pADRES E HIJOS PUEDEN LUCHAR EN IGUALDAD DE CONDICIONES
The softness of their skin got them all their mom's attention:La suavidad de su piel atrajo toda la atención de su mamá.

7.No because it,s only a publicity
I don´t think it's an ad with violence It´s a cartoon and because a baby and father never fought
8. There are things we can afford in the world of advertising but for me there are things that one should not do.

Francisco primero de comercio said...

Father:father es el padre

Parents:Son los dos padres
la madre y el padre.


From now on Fathers and Sons can fight on equal terms:De ahora en adelante Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.

The softness of their skin got them all their mom's attention:La suavidad de su piel atrajo la atención de su mama.

I do not think it's an ad with violence because it is a cartoon and because a baby and father never fought.

There are things we can afford in the world of advertising but for me there are things that one should not do.

Miguel 1 comercio said...

2. -there was a time when babies had a great life
-fathers discovered a special weapon
- got them all

3.-Father:father es el padre en si mismo
Parents:Son los dos padres:la madre y el padre



6.From now on Fathers and Sons can fight on equal terms:De ahora en adelante Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.

The softness of their skin got them all their mom's attention:La suavidad de su piel atrajo toda la atención de su mamá. because there isn´t violence between father and son

8.There are things we can afford in the world of advertising

Anonymous said...

2.- there was a time
-fathers discovered a special weapon
-when babies had a great life
-got them all
3.The diferent meaningwith father and parents are :
-father es el padre en si mismo
-Parents:Son los dos padres--->la madre y el padre.
6.the 1 translate is :De ahora en adelante Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.
the 2 translate is :La suavidad de su piel atrajo toda la atención de su mamá.
7.I don't think it's an ad with violence because it's a cartoon and baby and father never fought
8.There are things we can afford in the world of advertising but for me there are things that one shouldn't do.

orlando 1ero de comercio said...

2. discovered
3.parents are mother and father, fathers are only men
6.De ahora los Padres e Hijos puede luchar en igualdad de condiciones
La suavidad de su piel tiene toda la atención de su madre
7.Not only is an publicity, a little funny
8.I think it should have some limites about the content

Gonzalo 2º ESO said...

3)Parents are both man and women and fathers are only men.
6)Desde ahora Padre e Hijos pueden pelear en términos iguales.
La suavidad de su piel atrae la atención de su madre.
7)No becaus the sponsor can have a bad infuence in the children in the world.
8)No is bad for the people who watch this publicity.

Antia 2ºeso(: said...


The difference is that "parents" are both of them (man & woman) and "fathers" are only men.


"arma" - /'wepən/

- "From now on Fathers and Sons can fight on equal terms".
-"A partir de ahora los padres y los hijos pueden luchar en las mismas condiciones"

- "The softness of their skin got them all their mom's attention".
- "La suavidad de su piel atrajo toda la atencion de su mamá"

Yes, because of the fight of the father and the child.. It's not a good idea for sponsor in tv, because it could be a bad influence for little children.

No, because we should bear in mind the person who are watching publicity, and take care of the things that it an cause.

2eso Daniela Valdovinos said...

2) Had

3) fathers: es el plural de father (padre)
Parents: es cuando esta el padre y la madre juntos, no es un plural
4) Mom
5) Weapon = Arma pronunciación [’wepən]
6)- Ahora papas e hijos pueden pelar con las mismas condiciones
- La suavidad de su piel llama toda la atención de su mamá
7) No I don’t think this ad promotes violence
8) No I think that there are limits with the publicity

Alicia 2ºEso said...

Alicia 2ºEso

1. had,got,discovered and was

2. That father is the man of the family.Instead parents are man and woman together as a family.

3. Mother -> Mom

4. Weapon its pronuced "wuepond" a weapon is a tool used to force for the purpose of damage to persons, animals.

5.a) -Desde ahora padres e hijos se pueden pelear con las mismas condiciones.
b) - La suaveza de la piel tiene toda la atención de la madre.

6. I think no because there is not so much violence in the video.

7.I think no because there are publicity similar to them.

Ana Úbeda. 2ºESO said...


2. The difference between fathers and parents is that father is only the man and parents is the two (mother and father).

3. Mom

4. Weapon  Arma. Pronuntiation [’wepən]

5. Ahora, padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.
La suavidad de su piel tiene toda la atención de su mamá.

6. No, I think that is a very funny advertisement and it tell us about the preference that has a woman for a soft skin.

7. No, there are many things that we should not permit in the world of publicity because it can hurt us.

Elisa 2º ESO said...

2)had, got, discovered
3)Parents are the both, but fathers are only men.
5)arma; "uepon"
6)-A partir de ahora Padres e hijos pueden pelear en las mismas condiciones.
-La suavidad de su piel atrajo toda la atención de su madre.
7)I don't think so, because a baby can't fight and it's only a cartoon.
8)I think there should be some limits.

2º ESO Tomas Patiño said...

Tomas Patiño 2º ESO

2:-there was a time...
-...had a great life...
-...discovered a special weapon... them all...

3:parents= mother and father
fathers= father in plural


5:a weapon is an object we use to hurt somebody

6:-``partir de ahora padres e hijos pueden luchar en terminos iguales´´
-`` suavidad de sus pieles atraía toda la atención de sus madres.´´

7:no,i think it promotes humour,not violence.

8:no because some publicities will result very heavy

Margaux Nény 2º ESO said...

the difference betwen parents and father is: the father is the man in the couple and the parents are the two persons in the couple : the father and the mother
significa “arma” y se pronuncia [’wepən]
de ahora en adelante padres e hijos pueden luchar a igualdad de condicion
la suavidad de su piel tiene toda la atención de su mama
no, i don’t think. the publicity show the preference had a woman for a baby skin to a hairy face.
no, there re many things that we cannot permite in the publicity because it can hurt .

Yesenia COVARRUBIAS said...


2) was, had, got, & discovered

3) parents is for both, the couple and fathers is only for mens.

4) Mom is the synonym of mother.

5) "arma" in spanish is weapon and it's pronounced weh-pn

6) "Desde ahora padres e hijos pueden pelear en igualdad de condiciones" and "La suavidad de la piel acapara toda la atención de las madres"

7) Yes, because they say that if you have competition they have to fight there does not matter the one who is.

8)No, no everything because some times they dont say the things they want to.

Beatriz BORQUE said...

Beatriz BORQUE 2ºESO

2) Was, had, got and discovered
3) Parents is for the couple and fathers is only for mens.
4) Mom is the synonym of mother.
5) Arma is spanish is weapon and is pronounced we-pn.
6) "Desde ahora padres e hijos pueden pelear en igualdad de condiciones".
"La suavidad de la piel acapara toda la atención de las madres"
7) Yes, because they say that when there is a competition we have to fight.
8) No, because sometimes we say things that can hurt.

Anonymous said...

1.He is a sailor.
3.In the city of York, England.The city is in the north England.
4.He was born in 1632
5.Ganar o recaudar.
7.Near York in the north.
9.Was born,finished,dreamed.
10.It's a boy who wants to be a sailor and their parents didn't wan't.
When he finished school a friend invited him to his parent boat and they went to the sea.
There was a terrible storm in the sea.The boat started to fill with water.A ship rescue us took us to London.
11)195.400 persons
The shambles,the Roman wall at the west corner tower of the fort at York,The Guidhall,the minister and war memorial.
Because the city has a rich heritage and has provided the backdrop.

Marina 1º ESO said...

1ESO Marina Fereiro
4.mum the mark of the shave.
6.1)"Ahora en Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones".
2)Con la suavidad de su piel consiguió toda la atención de su mamá
8.NOT I don't considered.

santiago 1º eso said...


I don't know

arma in spanish weh-pn
ahora Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones
La suavidad de su piel consiguió toda la atención de su mamá

umm , no I thing no


yes , because the publicist is free

Anonymous said...

Amparo ALVARADO.1º eso

2.Father its for men,and parents its for women and men.
3.Mommy or Mom.
4."weapon" it means "arma" in spanish its pronunced wepon[’wepən]
5.De ahora en mas padres e hijos pueden pelear en igualdad de condiciones.La suavidad de su piel consiguió toda la atención de su mamá.
6.No because its only a publicity.
7.No because not everything its suitable for everyone.

Anonymous said...

1º eso Susana ARAGÓN BERNAL
2. was got discovered fought win
3. Father is alone for a boy parents is for a man and a woman
4. Mom or mum
5. arma wepon
6. A partit de ahora padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones
- La suavidad de la piel del bebe consiguió recibir toda la atencion de su madre
7. It he does nor have because
8. I don't know

francis 1º eso said...

1 eso FraNCis ^^:
lived played called killed liked
parent term that you use when your discriving a couple with children and father person who is in your family
synonym of mother mum mummy;D
A WEAPON is an object that you use to kill peole you pronouce it wepon
desde ahora padres y hijos pueden pelearse en igualdad de comiciones
la suavidad de sus pieles llamaron todas las atenciones a sus madres
no its funny its a comedy
their some publicity that are no situable for youg children

franco 1º eso said...

1º eso Franco armentano
2.was, got,discobered, fight,had

3.father is the surname of your dad and parents is de surmame of your dad or mom
5.weapon in spanish is arma and he he pronunced weipon
6.1.desde ahora los hijos y padres pueden pelear igual 2.La suavidad de la piel atrae a la atencion de los padres

tomas 1º ESO said...

answers: tomas 1ºeso
3)fathers:are only the dads(male)
parents:are mother and father(male and female)
6)"a partir de ahora padres e hijos podran luchar en condiciones iguales"
"la suavidad de sus pieles consiguen la atencion de todas las madres"
7)No,this video-publicity isn't violent,i think
8)no,not all the topics should be allowed because some children who watch the TV are very little and is bad for them

Andreina Larez 1 said...

Andreina Larez 1ºESO
2. Had,was,discovered,got,get.
3. Fathers is for mens and parents is for a couple.
4. Mom
5. Arma
6. -"Ahora padres e hijos pueden luchar con armas equivalentes."
-"La suavidad de su piel les permite tener la atracion de su madre."
7. No.
8. No, i don't.

1ºESO Tania Curiel Fernandez said...

Tania Curiel Fernandez
3.Fathers is used to say men, and parents for the couple, man and woman.
4.The synonym of mother is mom.
5.Weapon is "arma" in spanish and he's pronounced weipond.
6.a.De ahora padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.
6.b.Por la suavidad de su piel consiguió toda la atención de su madre.
7.Yes i consider
8.No i don't consider.

daniel 1º eso said...








antonio 1 eso said...

2: had,got discoveres, was
arma, wipon

7: no
8: yes

Anonymous said...

Begoña Beltrán 1ro de bachillerato
2. was, had, got, discovered.
3. The difference between "parents" and "fathers" is that fathers is only refer to the man and "parents" is refer to a mother and a father, I mean, it's refer to a woman and a man
4. Mom
5. Weapon means "arma" y se pronunciacion es "gÜepon"
6. a. Apartir de ahora padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de conciciones.
b. La suavidad de su piel captaba toda la atención de su madre.
7. No, I don't. I just just think that is a funny ad and it anounced a razor
8. No, I don't. In my opinion there are enough hours during the day to chose the correct ads to put in the correct time for showing them to a determined audience.

Anonymous said...

2. Had, got, was, discovered
3. Parents means the mother and the father. Fathers means only the mans.
4. mummy
5. weapon means arma, pronounce "wipon"
6. 1- Desde ahora padres e hijos podran luchar en iguales condiciones.
2- La suavidad de su piel hace que tengan toda la atención de la madre
7. Maybe yes. I think that if a little kid see this ad, he/she probably got jealousy to his/her father.
8. Please, not. In publicity world, we can find a lot of ads that have inadequate contents, like sexual scenes, violence scenes... So, in my opinion the publicity world must have a margin of contents.

Julia Cruz 1ºB

Unknown said...

Manuel Cepeda vázquez
(Academia preuniversitaria 1ºB)

2- Verbs in pass simple: was, Had, discovered, got.

3- We use father when we just want to say the man, and we use parents to refer both of them; the man and the women

4- Mother = mom

5- Weapon=arma

6- Ahora los padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.

La suavidad de sus pieles consiguió la atención de las madres.

7-I think that this ad doesn´t promote violence because it´s for fun.

8-I think that the worl of publicity can´t do everything it want because the lay forbid it and the consumers report the lays.

Anonymous said...

2-had, was, discovered and got
3 - father is the man and parents is the man and the woman, the couple.
4 mom
5 - arma, ['wepən]
6-A partir de ahora Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.
La suavidad de su piel que tiene toda la atención de su madre.
7 - I think this ad is violence.
8 - there are some aspects of violence should not be released, I think.

Anonymous said...

-alberto beotas alvarez-
2.- was, had, got, discovered
3.- we use father to ses the men but parents is from the couple
5.- "arma" se pronuncia wipon
6.- -ahora padres e hijos pueden luchar a la misma altura
-la suavidad de su piel tiene toda la atencion de su madre 7.- no because is publicity no mor only ses that if you are pretty you can have more girls

Anonymous said...

María de la Rosa Ahumada 1ºb.

father's: is only the male it say the father.
parent's:are the mother and the father(male and female)


weapon:[’wepən]significa arma.

6.A partir de ahora padres e hijos pueden luchar en las mismas condiciones.
La suavidad de sus pieles capta la atención de la madre.

7.No this only say that womens like soft skin of mens like the babies skins.

8.I think that some scenes must be prohibite for the childrens because aren't appropiate.

Anonymous said...

Ana García 1B preu
2-had, was, discovered and got
3 - father is the man and parents is the man and the woman, the couple.
4 mom
5 - arma, ['wepən]
6-A partir de ahora Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.
La suavidad de su piel que tiene toda la atención de su madre.
7 - I think this ad is violence.
8 - there are some aspects of violence should not be released, I think.

Anonymous said...

was had ate drank got the difference between father and parent is the father is only you male parent , parent are your father and your mother . sinonym of mother is mom. weapon is a tool or type of gun .Tranlate:A partir de ahora Padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.La suavidad de su piel es debida a la atencion de su madre.The people which promoves the violence sometimes are person complexed , which don,t gives love at other persons.

Anonymous said...

Mercedes García de Tejada Parladé 1ªB

had, was, discovered, got

parent: father and mother together
fathers: is father in plural but only the male figure

Mother= Mon

Weapon= arma

- De ahora en adelante padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones
- La suavidad de su pielatrajo toda la atención de su mamá

No because is very important the publicity

Anonymous said...

Carmen García Dantas
father is for mens and parents represent women and men.
arma, [’wepən]
- de ahora en adelante padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones
-la suavidad de su piel atrajo toda la atención de sus madres
no because babies can´t fight
no i don´t because there would be spam

Anonymous said...

David Cotorruelo García 1ºB


3.)The difference between fathers and parents is that fathers refers to two men and parents to a man and a woman


5.)Arma [ˈwepən]

6.)-''Desde ahora padre e hijo pueden luchar en iguales condiciones''
-''La suevidad de su piel tiene toda la atención de su madre''

7.)no, because it's just a game and the announcement doesn't show violence

8.)Depends if it is misleading or unsuitable for public

Anonymous said...

Teresa Baquerizo Pérez 1ºB

2 Was, got, discovered, had

3 The difference between fathers and parents is that fathers is a own figure male; however parents are for the family in general, two persons man and woman.

4 mom

5 Weapon means: arma, and the pronunciation is "wepan"

- De ahora en adelante padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones
- La suavidad de su piel atrajo toda la atención de la madre

7. No, i think this commercial is very funny for the adults and young people also in this ad never used the violence and aggression.

8. No because the publicity must respect the society, the differents opinions... In many cases appears thinks that insult at the person for example the physique, the food and causes diseases.

Anonymous said...

-Santiago Camacho Marchena-

Question 2: Past Simple Verbs

1. Was
2. Had
3. Got
4. Discovered

Question 3: Fathers vs. Parents

Fathers is just the man (your dad) in that case, as it is said in plural, fathers in general, it means like all the fathers in the world.
Parents is a noun that refer to more than one person, in that case, your mom and your dad, both of them in just one word.

Question 4: Mother Synonym

Mom has the same meaning than mother, it's just shorter and more loving.

Question 5: Weapon meaning and phonetic

A weapon is any device used in order to inflict damage to someone or something [/ˈwepən/]

Question 6: Translation

"From now on Fathers and Sons can fight on equal terms"

+De ahora en adelante, padres e hijos, lucharán en igualdad de condiciones.

"The softness of their skin got them all their mom's attention"

+La suavidad de su piel les proporciona toda la atención de sus madres.

Question 7: Does it promote violence?

I don't think so because ads are made for fun and to make us buy their products. Nevertheless, all ads are revised before realising some of them don't

Anonymous said...

José Arizaga Barrachina !º Bachillerato B

3) There was a time when...
Babies had a great life.
The softness of their skin got them all their mom's attention.
Fathers discovered a special weapon.

3) The noun `fathers' is used to refer to the men who have progenies.
The noun `parents' is used for both members of the family: father and mother. Just when they are at the same sentence.

4) Mom.

5) Weapon means: arma.
It is pronounced: `wepon', but you have to pronounce that 'o' like a mix between the Spanish 'e' and 'o'.

6) De ahora en adelante, padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones.
La suavidad de sus pieles consiguieron toda la atemción de su madre.

7) Absolutely not! I reckon that this commercial is just for making people laugh and spend a funny time. Obviously, it was not recorded to start a fight between fathers and children.

8) No, because it can make someone different from the others (for example, a make up advertisement) and they could think that they can not live without something from the publicity. Also, the can not advertise something that children shouldn't buy or use for their security.