
Monday 15 February 2010


1.- Listening activity for students of 1st year of Compulsory Secondary Education (Liceo Español Luis Buñuel, París).
- Please follow the steps till complete the activity. Enjoy the song!.
2.- Listen to this song twice and remember not to write anything in the first listening.
(click on the GB flag!!!)

3.- Find a synonym of :


4.- Translate the following sentences:

- "There's no earthly way of knowing"
- "No one learned from your mistakes "
- "Boy she looks a lot like you"

5.- Listen to this part of the song and fill in the gaps with the followings prepositions:

over - up - for - around - in

Waiting _____ God to stop this
And ___ to your neck in darkness
Everyone ____ you was corrupted
Saying somethin'

There's no dignity _____ death
To sell the world your last breath
They're still fighting _____
Everything you left over.

6.- Find words with the sound: /a:/ (=long "a").

7.- Make up an alternative title.

8.- Select the sentence you most like. Explain why.

Advertising Spaces (by Robbie Williams)

There's no earthly way of knowing
What was in your heart
When it stopped going
The whole world shook
A storm was blowing through you

Waiting for God to stop this
And up to your neck in darkness
Everyone around you was corrupted
Saying somethin'

There's no dignity in death
To sell the world your last breath
They're still fighting over
Everything you left over

I saw you standing at the gates
When Marlon Brando passed away
You had that look upon your face
Advertising space

No one learned from your mistakes
We let our profit s go to waste
All that's left in any case
Is Advertising space

Through your eyes
The world was burning
Please be gentle
I'm still learning
You seemed to say
As you kept turning up

They poisoned you with compromise
At what point did you realise
Everybody loves your life
But you ahahh

Special agent for the man
Through watergate and vietnam
No one really gave a damn
Did you think the CIA did

I saw you standing at the gates
When Marlon Brando passed away
You had that look upon your face
Advertising space

No one learned from your mistake
We let our profits go to waste
All that's left in any case
Is Advertising space ooooohh

I saw you standing at the gates
When Marlon Brando passed away
You had that look upon your face
Advertising space

No one learned from your mistakes
We let our profits go to waste
All that's left in any case
Is Advertising space

I've seen your daughter
Man shes cute
I was scared but I wanted to
Boy she looks a lot like you.


Julia&Carmen&Patricia said...

KIND> Gentle
DOORS> Gates

"There's no earthly way of knowing"
>>No hay manera de saberlo
"No one learned from your mistakes "
>>>Nadie aprendió de vuestros/tus errores
"Boy she looks a lot like you"
>>> Chico ella se parece mucho a ti

over - up - for - around - in

Waiting FOR God to stop this
And UP to your neck in darkness
Everyone AROUND you was corrupted
Saying somethin'

There's no dignity IN death
To sell the world your last breath
They're still fighting OVER
Everything you left over.


At the gates.


This is our favourite sentence because we think it's very truthful and we should learn from others mistakes.

Carmen&Julia&Patricia (1ºBB)

celia elena romaissa said...

3.- Find a synonym of :


4.- Translate the following sentences:

- "There's no earthly way of knowing"
no hay forma de conocer.
- "No one learned from your mistakes "
nadie aprendió de tus errores.
- "Boy she looks a lot like you"
el chico se parece mucho a ti.
elena romaissa celia

Gonzalo 2ºESO said...

Este dulce es un producto tradicional argentino, si se prepara correctamente y se guarda en frascos esterilizados puede conservarse hasta un año en la heladera u otro lugar oscuro y fresco.


Leche, 2 litros
Azúcar, 500 g
Bicarbonato de sodio, 1 cucharadita
Vainilla, 1 chaucha


- Poner la leche en una cacerola preferentemente antiadherente.
- Añadir el azúcar y la chaucha de vainilla.
- Poner en la olla 3 bolitas de vidrio, de esas que usan los chicos para jugar, esto ayuda a que no se corte.
- Hacer hervir revolviendo cada tanto.
- Incorporar la cucharadita de bicarbonato.
- Cocinar a fuego suave, revolviendo a menudo, con cuchara de madera, para que no se pegue.
- Cuando comience a espezar hay que revolverlo permanentemente.
- El dulce de leche llevará entre una y dos horas de cocción.
- Está a punto cuando tome color y esté espeso, se comprueba retirando un poco en un plato, se lo deja enfriar y el dulce no se corre.
- Se retiran las bolitas de vidrio, se deja enfriar y ya se puede guardar o servir.

Gonzalo 2ºESO said...

a) What do you think that are the reasonsfor this? Age? Sex? Origin? (= different places of Spain) Education?. Say as many factors as you consider appropriate and explain your answer.

I think that the difference is becuase the first one is a man and he has 60 years and the seconde one is women and she has 25.

4th. You have just watched and listened to a speech by the president of one of the most important banks in the world. Do you think that speeches like this can influence negatively on him with regards to investors, and

- Do you think it is necessary having a good English to get better results in your company?No

- Are businessmen really concerned about the importance of English for their jobs?Yes because is the language that everybody talks.

Antia 2º ESO said...

a) I think it’s about the age, because the first person, is a man about 50, and the second one, is a girl, about 25 years.
It’s normally that she has better pronunciation, because when you learn a language, you catch it better if you are young.
The origin, could influence, but in this case, the two are Spanish, so the most important thing here I think is the time they’ve learned the language.

- Pronunciation of "e" in words starting with s-, like for example "Spain" /espeIn/.

- Very marked pronunciation of "h".

- Pronunciation of "sh" like in FASHION, or pronunciation of the suffix -tion.

- Final endings.