
Monday 15 March 2010


Let's start learning a bit about St Patrick's day, but we'll do it having some fun. Click here and do this quiz.

Now, go the following link to learn more about St Patrick:

Learn how much do you know:

ádh! (= Good luck in Gaelic!)


Alicia 2ºESO said...

Alicia 2ºESO


2)I dont think so.

3)Since the Middle Ages, the shell scallops, became one of the symbols of Santiago de Compostela.

4) No, I'm in vacations!!!

4.a)The Recipe of Gazpacho

1.Put the tomatoes, onion, pepper, cucumber, vinager, oil and bread into a liquidizer. If you want to add a glass of water.

2.Put the mixture into a bowl, add salt and pepper and leave the gazpacho to chill for at least an hour.So the colder the better!

3. Serve the gazpacho en soup bowls, with the portions of diced tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, onion, croutons etc on the table, so that everyone can add them to their bowl as they prefer.


daniela 2 eso said...

Humitas are common in various countries in Latin America, although their origin is unclear. The noun "humita" derives from Quechua a regional dialect found in Ecuador of the Quechua people living in Ecuador, the south of Colombia, the Peruvianhighlands, and the northwestern part of Argentina. In Venezuela, they are known as hallaquitas, in Chile and Peru as humitas, in Bolivia as humintas, and in Mexico andCentral America as tamales.

Patel de choclo

This is a popular Chilean recipe.

6 large ears of corn, grate the kernels
8 leaves of fresh basil, finely chopped
1 tsp. salt
3 tbsp. butter
1/2-1 cup milk
4 large onions, chopped
3 tbsps. oil
1 lb. (1/2 kg) finely ground lean beef
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp. ground cumin
4 hard-boiled eggs, sliced
1 cup black olives
1 cup raisins
12 pieces of chicken, browned in hot oil, seasoned with salt,
pepper and cumin
2 tbsps. confectioners' sugar

Heat the grated corn, chopped basil, salt and butter in a large pot. Add
the milk little by little, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens.
Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Leave to one side while you prepare the
meat filling. Fry the onions in oil until transparent, add the ground meat
and stir to brown. Season with salt, pepper and ground cumin. To prepare
the pie use an oven-proof dish that you can take to the table. Spread over
the bottom of the dish the onion-ground meat mixture. Arrange over this
the hard boiled egg slices, olives and raisins. Put the chicken pieces on
top, bone the chicken if you like. Cover the filling with the corn
mixture. Sprinkle the confectioners' sugar over the top. Bake in a hot
oven 400 Deg. F (205 Deg. C) for 30-35 minutes until the crust is golden
brown. Serve at once. In Chile more sugar is served to sprinkle over the
"pastel" as it is eaten. Serve with "Ensalada Chilena".

yesenia said...


• Grapeseed oil (or another high smoke-point oil such as peanut or canola oil)
• 12 corn tortillas
• 1 medium onion, chopped
• 1 clove of garlic, minced
• 1 cup of salsa (Mild prepared salsa or make your own using cooked or canned tomatoes, roasted green chiles, onions, cilantro, oil and vinegar. Do not use salsa made with fresh, uncooked tomatoes for this dish.)
• 3 Tbsp of tomato paste
• 1 cup water
• 1 cup of canned crushed tomatoes (preferably fire roasted)
• Olive oil
• 1 lb of jack cheese, mild cheddar or longhorn or any mild yellow cheese, grated
• A handful of cilantro
• 1 cup of sour cream
• Half a head of iceberg lettuce

1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2 In a large fry pan at high heat add 3 Tbsp of grapeseed oil. Add a tortilla to the pan. Cook for 2-3 seconds, lift up the tortilla with a spatula, add another tortilla underneath. Cook for 2-3 seconds, lift again, both tortillas, and add another tortilla underneath. Repeat the process with all the tortillas, adding a little more oil if needed. This way you can brown and soften the tortillas without using a lot of fat. You do this process to develop the flavor of the tortillas. As the tortillas brown a little, remove from the pan one by one to rest on a paper towel, which absorbs any excess fat.
2 Sauté up the chopped onion and garlic, then turn off the heat. Add 1 cup of salsa. Dissolve 3 Tbsp of tomato paste into 1 cup of water, add to pan. Add 1 cup of crushed fire roasted canned tomatoes. Taste. If the sauce tastes too vinegary, add a teaspoon of sugar.
3 Put some olive oil on the bottom of a large casserole pan. Take a tortilla, cover 2/3 of it lightly with the shredded cheese, then roll up the tortilla and place it in the casserole pan. Continue until all tortillas are filled and rolled. Add sauce to the top of the tortillas in the the casserole pan. Make sure all are covered with the sauce. If not, add a little water. Cover the whole thing with the rest of the grated cheese. Put the casserole in the oven for 10 minutes or until the cheese melts.
4 Garnish with cilantro and sour cream. Serve with sliced iceberg lettuce that has been dressed only with vinegar and salt. See Perfect Guacamole for a great guacamole avocado side dish.

Gonzalo said...


4. Antigua and Barbuda[4] North America 85,000
The Bahamas[4] North America 331,000
Barbados[5] North America 294,000
Belize [6] Central America 288,000
Botswana [6] Africa 1,882,000
Cameroon[4] Africa 18,549,000
Canada[4] North America 33,531,000
Dominica[4] North America 73,000
Fiji[4] Oceania 827,900
The Gambia[4] Africa 1,709,000
Ghana[4] Africa 23,478,000
Grenada[4] North America 106,000
Guyana[7] South America 738,000
India [6] South Asia 1,143,540,000
Ireland[4] Europe 4,517,800
Jamaica[8] North America 2,714,000
Kenya[4] Africa 37,538,000
Kiribati[4] Oceania 95,000
Lesotho[4] Africa 2,008,000
Liberia[4] Africa 3,750,000
Madagascar[4] Africa 19,683,000
Malawi[9] Africa 13,925,000
Malta[4] Europe 412,600
Marshall Islands[4] Oceania 59,000
Mauritius[4] Africa 1,262,000
Micronesia[4] Oceania 111,000
Namibia[4] Africa 2,074,000
Nauru[10] Oceania 10,000
New Zealand[4] Oceania 4,294,350
Nigeria[4][11] Africa 148,093,000
Pakistan[4] South Asia 165,449,000
Palau [6] Oceania 20,000
Papua New Guinea[12][13] Oceania 6,331,000
Philippines[4][14] Asia 90,457,200
Rwanda[4] Africa 9,725,000
Saint Kitts and Nevis[15] North America 50,000
Saint Lucia[4] North America 165,000
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines[16] North America 120,000
Samoa[17] Oceania 188,359
Seychelles[4] Africa 87,000
Sierra Leone[4] Africa 5,866,000
Singapore[18] Asia 4,839,400
Solomon Islands[4] Oceania 506,992
South Africa[19] Africa 47,850,700
Sudan[4] Africa 38,560,000
Swaziland[4] Africa 1,141,000
Tanzania[4] Africa 40,454,000
Tonga[20] Oceania 100,000
Trinidad and Tobago[4] North America 1,333,000
Tuvalu[6] Oceania 11,000
Uganda[4] Africa 30,884,000
United Kingdom[21] Europe 61,612,300
Vanuatu[22] Oceania 226,000
Zambia[4] Africa 11,922,000
Zimbabwe[4] Africa 13,349,000