
Monday 12 April 2010

READING DAY (Robinson Crusoe)

Chapter 1: "My Adventures Begin"
 I was born in 1632 in the city of York, England. When I was a boy, I dreamed about one thing - I wanted to be sailor. After I finished school, I told my parents my idea. They did not like it.
"Life at sea is difficult," my father said. "You must learn a profession to earn money. Law is a good profession for an intelligent young man like you."
But I didn't listen to my father's words. When I was 19 years old, a friend invited me to sail to London on his father's ship. I didn't tell my parents about my plans. On the 1st of September, 1651, I started my first voyage. The ship sailed from Hull, a port near York. During the voyage, there was a terrible storm, with waves like mountains. I was very frightened. Our ship started to fill with water. The ship sank and sailors on another ship rescued us and took us to London.
"You brought bad luck to my ship," my friend's father said to me. "Don't become a sailor. Go home and study to be a lawyer." But I wanted a life at sea. In London I met the captain of a ship sailing to Africa. I told him about my dream. 
"I want to learn to be a sailor," I said.
"I'm happy to teach a young man like you," he said.
I sailed on his ship to Africa and then returned to England. I worked hard, and learned many things about life at sea.

Now, answer the following questions:
1. What does the main character do? (= profession)
2. Give a synonym for sailor.
3. Where was the main character born?, where's that city in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)

4. When was he born?
5. What's the meaning of earn ?
6. Translate into Spanish the following word: law?
7. Where's Hull in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)

8. What's the meaning of waves?
9. Give as many examples of Past Simple verbs as you can.
10. Explain in a few words what's the chapter about.     
11.  Let's learn about the city  of York:
- nº of inhabitants?
-  main monuments?
- it is famous for?
12.  Let's learn about the city of  Hull:
- nº of inhabitants?
-  main monuments?
- it is famous for?




1.he want to be a sailor
3.he was born in York (north of england in yorksire)
4.he was born in 1632
5.earn=ganar the east of yorkshire
9.-a friend invited me
-I was born
-I told him
-I worked hard
-I wanted

10.the chapter tells the beginning of the story of story of Robinson Crusoe(his born and his first voyage)
11.-184900 habitants
-Skeldergate bridge
-York is a historic fortress city of the north
12.-248.500 habitants
-the Maritime Museum
-Hull hasn´t got a good reputation in England

Beatriz Borque said...

1 He want to be sailor.
2 Seaman.
3 He was born in the city of York.In the north of England.
4 In 1632.
5 Recaudar.
6 Abogado.
7 It's in the north but near to the sea.
8 Ola.
9 was born; finished ; did not ; sailed ;started; frightened; sank ;said ;worked; met ;learned.
10 The chapter is about how was his beginning on the sea.
11 -37.505 habitantes.
-Archaeological evidences of accessions in the Mesolítico of 8000-7000 B.C.
12 - 240.000 habitantes
- In the zone of museums of the city we can find, between others, the "Wilberforce House", the " Hull and East Riding Museum ", the " Ferens Art Gallery ", the "Maritime Museum" and the " Streetlife and Transport Museum ".

Another collection of interest is undoubtedly that of art of the university Hull .

Antía Navarro 2ºESO said...

1. What does the main character do?
He wants to be a sailor.
2. Give a synonym for sailor.
3. Where was the main character born?, where's that city in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
He was born in the city of York, in England.
4. When was he born?
In 1632
5. What's the meaning of earn ?
Ganar o recaudar.
6. Translate into Spanish the following word: law?
Law: Ley.
7. Where's Hull in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
In the north

8. What's the meaning of waves?
Olas del mar
9. Give as many examples of Past Simple verbs as you can.
Was; dreamed; wanted; finished; told; did; invited; started; rescued; brought; met; told; sailed; worked; learned.
10. Explain in a few words what's the chapter about.
It’s about a boy who tells that his dream is became a sailor. Her parents tell him that it’s not a good idea, because life at the sea is very difficult. He didn’t take care of what her parents said, and one day he went out with a friend. During the journey, they’ve got very bad luck… and the boy thought that he was his fault. He continued with his dream, and he never gave up itself, and finally he learned lots of things of the sea.
11. Let's learn about the city of York:
- nº of inhabitants? 195.400
- main monuments? Micklegate Bar; Skeldergate Bridge; York Minster.
- it is famous for? It’s famous because has a rich heritage and has provided the backdrop.

Elisa Nygren 2º ESO said...

1)He was a student that wanted to becaume a silor.
3)He was born in York( England).
4)York is at the north of England.
4)He was born in 1632.
7)Hull is at the north of England.
9)"was", "dreamed", "wanted", "finished", "told", "said", "invited", "started", "sank", "rescued", "worked" and "learned".
10)The chapter talks about Robinson Crusoe.He wanted to become a silor, but his fathers and his friend's father said that he should become a lawyer. In London, Robinson met a captain of a ship that accepted to teach him, so that he could become a silor.
11)-195400 habitants.

Yesenia Covarrubias 2º said...


1. What does the main character do? (= profession): He wants to became a sailor.

2. Give a synonym for sailor. : hearty

3. Where was the main character born?, where's that city in England? (you can use wikipedia sources): He was born on York, England. Situated at the confluence od the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England

4. When was he born?: in 1632

5. What's the meaning of earn ?: Get money

6. Translate into Spanish the following word: law?: Derecho

7. Where's Hull in England? (you can use wikipedia sources): The hull t o York line in northern England. It runs from hull north west to York, via Selby between Selby and York

8. What's the meaning of waves?: Olas

9. Give as many examples of Past Simple verbs as you can.: Was, dreamed, did, invited, told, finished, wanted, started, sailed, frightened, took, brought, met, returned, learned.

10. Explain in a few words what's the chapter about: The chapter is about a boy that wanted to became a sailor but his parents didn’t want , his first voyage was with his friend but it happened a terrible storm and then he met a captain and he learned from him everything about the life at sea.

11. Let's learn about the city of York:
- nº of inhabitants?195400
- main monuments? The roman wall, The Shambles, & The Guildhall.
- it is famous for? Because there were many kingdom, like Romans, Vikings….

Margaux neny 2º esp said...

1. What does the main character do? (= profession)
They are sailers.

2. Give a synonym for sailor.

3. Where was the main character born?, where's that city in England?
They were born on the city of York, in the north of England. This city is situate between two rivers: the Ouse and the Foss.

4. When was he born?
He was born in 1632.

5. What's the meaning of earn?
Get money.

6. Translate into Spanish the following word: law?

7. Where's Hull in England?
The Hull to York line in northern England. It runs from Hull north west to York , via Selby, between Selby and York.

8. What's the meaning of waves?
its Olas.

9. Give as many examples of Past Simple verbs as you can.
was born, dreamed, wanted, finished, did not like, said, didn’t listen ,invited, started, sailed frightened, started, brought ,become, wanted, met, told, worked and learned.

10. Explain in a few words what the chapter is about.
The chapter is about a young man who want to be a sailor and his parents doesn’t’ want. He want to be also a sailor so he board in a friend’s ship. But this experience was terrible because a very strong storm. Later he board to another ship with a great captain who learn to him all a sailor have to know.

11. Let's learn about the city of York:
- nº of inhabitants? 195400
- main monuments? The roman wall, the shambles and The guildhall.
- it is famous for? Because there were many kingdoms, like Romans andVikings…

daniela 2ESO said...

1. He want to be a sailor
2. Naval office
3. He was born in York.
Is a walled city, situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England.
4. In 1632.
5. Ganar dinero, tener una profesion con la cual se peda vivir.
6. Ley (profesión)
7. Hull, is a city in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England.It is located 25 miles (40 km) from the North Sea on the River Hull at its junction with the Humber estuary.
8. Olas
9. was born, dreamed, wanted , finished, did not, said, invited, started, sailded, rescued, brought, met, told, worked.
10. Is on a boy, robinson crusoe, that wants to be a sailor and his dads don’twant, one day a friend offers him to do a trip in the ship of his father.
11. -195.400 inhabitants.
- Fairfax House, Castle Howard, The Treasurer's House, York City Walls, Merchant Adventurers Hall, Barley Hall, Clifford's Tower, King's Manor…
-Because the Romans turned this city into one of two British Roman capitals.
12.- 258,700 inhabitants
- The Queen's Gardens,, The Guildhall, The River Hull, Holy Trinity Church, Prince's Quay, Hull New Theatre, Kingston Communications Stadium…

Ana Ubeda2ESo said...

Now, answer the following questions:
1. What does the main character do? (= profession)
He wants to become a sailor

2. Give a synonym for sailor.
3. Where was the main character born?, where's that city in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
He was born in York, situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England.

4. When was he born?
He was born in 1632
5. What's the meaning of earn ?
“Get money”
6. Translate into Spanish the following word: law?
Law -> Ley
7. Where's Hull in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
The Hull to York Line is a railway line in northern England . It runs from Hull north west to York , via Selby . Between Selby and York
8. What's the meaning of waves?
9. Give as many examples of Past Simple verbs as you can.
Was, dreamed, wanted, finished, told, did, invited, took, sailed, started…
10. Explain in a few words what's the chapter about. The chapter is about a boy that wanted to become a sailor, but their parents didn’t want, so he started his first voyage but he didn’t tell anything to them. During this voyage it was a terrible storm, and he had problems to arrive to London. When he got there he started to learn everything about life at sea.

11. Let's learn about the city of York:
- nº of inhabitants? 195.400
- main monuments? The roman wall, the Shambles, Guildhall…
- it is famous for? Because there were many kingdoms, like Romans, Vikings…

ANA UBEDA 2ESO said...

Now, answer the following questions:
1. What does the main character do? (= profession)
He wants to become a sailor

2. Give a synonym for sailor.
3. Where was the main character born?, where's that city in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
He was born in York, situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England.

4. When was he born?
He was born in 1632
5. What's the meaning of earn ?
“Get money”
6. Translate into Spanish the following word: law?
Law -> Ley
7. Where's Hull in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
The Hull to York Line is a railway line in northern England . It runs from Hull north west to York , via Selby . Between Selby and York
8. What's the meaning of waves?
9. Give as many examples of Past Simple verbs as you can.
Was, dreamed, wanted, finished, told, did, invited, took, sailed, started…
10. Explain in a few words what's the chapter about. The chapter is about a boy that wanted to become a sailor, but their parents didn’t want, so he started his first voyage but he didn’t tell anything to them. During this voyage it was a terrible storm, and he had problems to arrive to London. When he got there he started to learn everything about life at sea.

11. Let's learn about the city of York:
- nº of inhabitants? 195.400
- main monuments? The roman wall, the Shambles, Guildhall…
- it is famous for? Because there were many kingdoms, like Romans, Vikings…

Anonymous said...

HOLA TEACHER!!!!!!!!!! x)

david monteiro said...

1. What does the main character do? (= profession)
He wants to become a sailor

2. Give a synonym for sailor.
3. Where was the main character born?, where's that city in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
He was born in York, situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England.

4. When was he born?
He was born in 1632
5. What's the meaning of earn ?
“Get money”
6. Translate into Spanish the following word: law?
Law -> Ley
7. Where's Hull in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
The Hull to York Line is a railway line in northern England . It runs from Hull north west to York , via Selby . Between Selby and York
8. What's the meaning of waves?
9. Give as many examples of Past Simple verbs as you can.
Was, dreamed, wanted, finished, told, did, invited, took, sailed, started…
10. Explain in a few words what's the chapter about. The chapter is about a boy that wanted to become a sailor, but their parents didn’t want, so he started his first voyage but he didn’t tell anything to them. During this voyage it was a terrible storm, and he had problems to arrive to London. When he got there he started to learn everything about life at sea.

11. Let's learn about the city of York:
- nº of inhabitants? 195.400
- main monuments? The roman wall, the Shambles, Guildhall…
- it is famous for? Because there were many kingdoms, like Romans, Vikings…
12.- 258,700 inhabitants
- The Queen's Gardens,, The Guildhall, The River Hull, Holy Trinity Church, Prince's Quay, Hull New Theatre, Kingston Communications Stadium…

Michel 1º comercio said...

1)he wants to be a sailor
3)3 He was born in the city of York.In the north of England.
4)In 1632
5)Get money
7)The Hull to York line in northern England. It runs from Hull north west to York , via Selby, between Selby and York
9)was, dreamed, wanted, finished, told, said, invited, started, sank, rescued, worked, learned.
10)The chapter is about a boy that wanted to become a sailor, but their parents didn’t want, so he started his first voyage but he didn’t tell anything to them. During this voyage it was a terrible storm, and he had problems to arrive to London. When he got there he started to learn everything about life at sea
11)- nº of inhabitants: 195 400
- main monuments: the roman wall, the Shambles, Guildhall…
- it is famous for? Because there were many kingdoms, like Romans, Vikings.
12)258 700 inhabitants

julia said...

1.The main character wants to learn to be a sailor.And

2.synonym "sailor": seaman

3.He was born in the city of York, in England, situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire.

4.He was born in 1632



ANA UBEDA 2ESO said...
Now, answer the following questions:
1. What does the main character do? (= profession)
He wants to become a sailor

2. Give a synonym for sailor.
3. Where was the main character born?, where's that city in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
He was born in York, situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England.

4. When was he born?
He was born in 1632
5. What's the meaning of earn ?
“Get money”
6. Translate into Spanish the following word: law?
Law -> Ley
7. Where's Hull in England? (you can use wikipedia sources)
The Hull to York Line is a railway line in northern England . It runs from Hull north west to York , via Selby . Between Selby and York
8. What's the meaning of waves?
9. Give as many examples of Past Simple verbs as you can.
Was, dreamed, wanted, finished, told, did, invited, took, sailed, started…
10. Explain in a few words what's the chapter about. The chapter is about a boy that wanted to become a sailor, but their parents didn’t want, so he started his first voyage but he didn’t tell anything to them. During this voyage it was a terrible storm, and he had problems to arrive to London. When he got there he started to learn everything about life at sea.

11. Let's learn about the city of York:
- nº of inhabitants? 195.400
- main monuments? The roman wall, the Shambles, Guildhall…
- it is famous for? Because there were many kingdoms, like Romans, Vikings…