
Sunday 20 June 2010


This is the moment that I used to see so far away when I arrived in Paris the 10th of February, yes it's the moment to say "Goodbye", or even better, "See you". I want to say THANK YOU to all of you who have given me so much, or from whom I've taken so much. A good way to do all this a little less sad is by sharing with you one of my favourite songs at the moment. ENJOY! SEE YOU!


Julio Neny said...

This song is very good Manuel !
I have to say goodbye me to, I want tell you your a very good teacher, and good luck with the Andaluces =D

You have to listen this song, you will like it:
-Baba O´riley, The Who

Me said...

Ok, m8 thanks 4 your kind words and I'll take into account your recommendations. Good luck to u as well and keep on working hard!

Celia said...

Waaait I'm here now! I just want to say things like Julio said (ok WROTE) and other people would say to you. You've been a very good (and different) teacher and I wish you the best!

I shouldn't recommend you music, I wouldn't finish...

Me (teacher) said...

Thanks Celia! you have the profile of the perfect student, but sometimes,,, you know. Anyway, keep on improving your English because you have already a very good level. See you in a few hours!

María said...

I just want to say that we will miss you, I hope you will enjoy your summer! Good luck ;)

Lena said...

OOUUIIIN *crying* snob...why...*snif*...don't go!!! T-T you know I prefer you than Ana T_T (the comment I had in that questionary [stays between you, Eduardo and me è_é] ,I forgot to say: "...Ana.And pleeeease hire Jose Manuel!" *sob* I forgot to write that and submitted it as an accident...T-T...)I'll miss you!I hope you'll have a lot of fun in Spain!!!

José Luis said...

So, I hope you'll have as much luck in your oppositions (¿?) as I've had in mines. ;)

Pay attention to the sun, it's so hard in Seville...!

José Manuel said...

??????Tu mensaje sólo puede querer decir una cosa, has triunfado como la "San Miguel", que donde va triunfa. Si es que estaba cantado, no sabes cuánto me alegro, me tomaré un copazo y celebraré tu éxito. un abrazo!