
Tuesday 9 March 2010


1st. Today, I want you all to reflect upon pronunciation and phonetics. We'll pay special attention to the typical mistakes Spanish people committ when pronouncing.

2nd. First, look carefully at these two performances.


click  here for watching the first video.

- Now contrast the previous performance with this one:

- As you might guess, the difference in the pronunciation of both singers is quite evident, but:

a) What do you think that are the reasonsfor this? Age? Sex? Origin? (= different places of Spain) Education?. Say as many factors as you consider appropriate and explain your answer.

3rd. Let's continue with a speech by Emilio Botin, president of Santander Bank. His speech is full of basic mistakes of pronunciation and is characterised by an accent quite hard to understand.

Watch the video as many times as you need. Then, write down all the mistakes you see (pronunciation, grammar, syntax). Here, I give you some of the typical mistakes Spanish people commit. You can use them if these same mistakes are committed by Mr Botín:
- Pronunciation of "e" in words starting with s-, like for example "Spain" /espeIn/.
- Very marked pronunciation of "h".
- Pronunciation of "sh" like in FASHION, or pronunciation of the suffix -tion.
- Final endings.
4th. You have just watched and listened to a speech by the president of one of the most important banks in the world. Do you think that speeches like this can influence negatively on him with regards to investors, and
- Do you think it is necessary having a good English to get better results in your company?
- Are businessmen really concerned about the importance of English for their jobs?


1ro comercio melanie said...

a) I think that the difference in the pronunciation of both singers is age and education .
Because soraya has studied for becoming a stewart , she's learning much English .
Raphael is a singer from another generation , he nerver learned English, that's the reason why he has a bad accent .

In my opinion it is very important to have a good english , because this is the most important language for business and for diplomacy if anybody have a english influent can change the negotiation .

Mauro 1º comercio said...

A- In my opinion the most important factor is the education that we receive in our career. This education make de difference between a very good or a bad prononciation.

B- I can't belive that this man is the president of Santander Bank. It's a MULTINATIONAL company. In my opinion his pronunciation is very very very VERY basic, he should attend some english clases or a course... or something like that, becouse he can't give a conference like that, He made many mistakes when he talk.

1COM tiphanie rodriguez said...

2)It is very different because Rafael is another generation and Soraya is a nez generation and new education education. Soraya has studed english in the school and Rafael hasn't styded english in the school.

Cris said...

1-Bad pronunciation the first video and very good Pronunciation 2 video ...

2-The girl who sings is a nice dynamic young woman one notices that it(he,she) has knowledge in English he(she) sings very well

3-Emilio Botin speaks fatally English they have Spanish accent and one declares for one the words
I think that if it he is serious for the business world that such an important person speaks so speak english

Yolanda 1º DE cOMERCIO said...

A)there,re a lot of factors different forthe different pronunciation,PERHAPS some reasons are the age, and the accent, some time the adult person who was learning english later, the performances isn,t same...there,re a lot of factors different, the education that they recived,AND THE ORIGEN(race) of the person live and born....
B)of course, I haven,t a good pronunciation myself for give my opinion, but , for example some mistakes that I hearing are:
C)I think ,that today isn,t important for him his pronunciation, because is a great POSITION IN HIS cOMPANY, AND HI,S VERY KNOWS IN THE bussisnes WORLD!
D) cERTLY , TODAY IS VERY IMPORTANT to have a good english for to get better resultats in the live, and in the bussines, but if we can speak for the others our understanding, It,s ok!!
-ONE THINKS, the most important in the work is the knowledge of the idioms.

Anonymous said...

A.I think that the difference in the pronunciation of both singers is age and education .This education make de difference between a very good or a bad prononciation.

In my opinion it is very important to have a good english , because this is the most important language for business and for diplomacy if anybody have a english influent can change the negotiation .

1º Comercio Dori said...

For me, Sex is not an important factor to have a good pronunciation. I consider that women and men can have an excellent accent if they work on it. In the other hand, I think Age is a priority, because it is more better to learn a language when you are still young.
Origins are also important. I don´t know why but there are a lot of pleople from some countries in the world who have more facilities than others to learn languages.

julia 1 de comercio said...

Kind: tolerant,liberal, agreeable...

Pretty: cute, beautiful,jolly

No hay nigun paraiso terrenal de saber

Nadie aprendio de sus errores

Tio, te mira un monton, le guastas.

over - up - for - around - in

Waiting __for___ God to stop this
And _over__ to your neck in darkness
Everyone _around___ you was corrupted
Saying somethin'

There's no dignity _in____ death
To sell the world your last breath
They're still fighting __up___
Everything you left over.

miguel 1 comercio said...

pretty=beautiful, cute

4)-No hay ningún modo terrenal de saber
-Nadie aprendió de sus errores
-el muchacho se parece mucho a tí

5)Waiting "for" God to stop this
And "over" to your neck in darkness
Everyone "around" you was corrupted
Saying somethin'

There's no dignity "in" death
To sell the world your last breath
They're still fighting "up"
Everything you left over.


Alicia 2ºEso said...

2) think that the difference in the pronunciation of both singers is age and education .This education make de difference between a very good or a bad prononciation.
3) His spainish accent is very marked the little english practice he had when hi was little.
4a) Yes because english is one of the most important language in the world and you can manage to speek with alot of people.
4b) In a part yes because you can speak with many places that speak english and in the other part no becase it no obligatory learn that language.

Elisa 2º ESO said...

2)a)I think the reason of the difference is when you started to speak english and from which part of Spain you come from, because in some parts of Spain the accent is more marked than in others parts.
3)His spanish accent is very marked when he speaks english.
4)-I think it could influence negatively.
-Yes, I think it's better to have a good accent in english.
-Yes, I think.

Margaux N. 2º ESO said...

I think the bad Spanish pronunciation is the fault of the bad English education and because Rafael is older than Soraya and in Rafael’s period there it was very difficult to learn English.

Pronunciation of "e" in words starting with s-, very marked pronunciation of "h". Pronunciation of "sh" Final endings.

4th.. Do you think that speeches like this can influence negatively on him with regards to investors, and businessmen?
Yes, they can fired him

- Do you think it is necessary having a good English to get better results in your company?
Yes, I think is very important have a good English because is the most speaking language in the world.

- Are businessmen really concerned about the importance of English for their jobs?
Yes, but some ones don’ t realize it.

Ana 2ESO said...

a)What do you think that are the reasons for this? Age? Sex? Origin? (= different places of Spain) Education?. Say as many factors as you consider appropriate and explain your answer.
I think that Rafael has a different pronunciation because he’s older than Soraya and they have study English in different periods, they had got a different education too and that’s very important at the point of view of speaking.

b) Let's continue with a speech by Emilio Botin, president of Santander Bank. His speech is full of basic mistakes of pronunciation and is characterised by an accent quite hard to understand.
-Pronunciation of "e" in some words starting with s- for example "Spain".
- Very marked pronunciation of "h" like “javing”.
- Pronunciation of "sh" like in FASHION, or pronunciation of the suffix -tion.
- Final endings.

4th. You have just watched and listened to a speech by the president of one of the most important banks in the world. Do you think that speeches like this can influence negatively on him with regards to investors, and
Yes, Is very important to have a good level of English because every body in every places of the world speak that language and it’s important for communication.
- Do you think it is necessary having a good English to get better results in your company?
Of course if your company have contacts in foreigner
- Are businessmen really concerned about the importance of English for their jobs?
I don’t think so now but they would be concerned in the future

Beatriz Borque said...

a) What do you think that are the reasons for this? Age? Sex? Origin? (= different places of Spain) Education? Say as many factors as you consider appropriate and explain your answer.

- I think that the reason of the difference of pronunciation is the age and because the period when they were born are very different. Soraya is a young person but Raphael is not a very young person (…).


- Pronunciation of "e" in words starting with s-, like for example "Spain" /espeIn/.
- Very marked pronunciation of "h".
- Pronunciation of "sh" like in FASHION, or pronunciation of the suffix -tion.
- Final endings.


Yes, I think that it’s not really good for his image over the

- Yes, I think It’s very important because the world superpower is the USA
- No, because they have all translators.

tomás patiño said...


a)the origin because an english person can´t speak so bad than them

3) - Pronunciation of "e" in words starting with s-, like for example "Spain" /espeIn/.
- Very marked pronunciation of "h".

4)-no because the bad pronuntiation is not related with the business
-no because the businessmen can pay traductors
-no,i don´t think so.



a) What do you think that are the reasonsfor this? Age? Sex? Origin? (= different places of Spain) Education?. Say as many factors as you consider appropriate and explain your answer.

I think that the first reason is the education and preparation in this language, and the second reason is the age for learn it, when you learn the language is better to learn it when you are little or young.

-Mistakes are committed by Mr Botín:

I have the basic instruments for speak but the mistakes I’m hearing are this:

- Pronunciation of "e" in words starting with s-, like for example "Spain" /espeIn/.

- Very marked pronunciation of "h". Here. The H, he pronounce as J

- Pronunciation of "sh" like in FASHION, or pronunciation of the suffix -tion. Congratulations,

- Final endings. BetteRR, threw-thru,


P.dorado said...

I think that the difference in the pronunciation between Raphael and Soraya comes from the difference of age. Soraya is younger than him, and she probably have learned english at school. Raphael is older and when he was younger, english wasn't impotant as it is now.


We think that Soraya speaks better English than Raphael because in her last job she needed to speak English very well and she probably received an education at school.
We think too that in the period when Raphael was born, English wasn't relevant, people could live without learning English.

Jacinto y Elena

1ºBAB Celia Muñoz said...

1-What do you think that are the reasonsfor this? Age? Sex? Origin? (= different places of Spain) Education?. Say as many factors as you consider appropriate and explain your answer.

-I think the principal reason is the age. When Rafael was little the english aren't so important, but for Soraya when she studied yes. After Soraya was worked like assistant of flight and this help her. Soraya have a humble origin an this do she strains more.

2- Mistakes committed by Mr Botín:

-The principal mistake committed by Mr Botín are:
_Pronunciation of "e" in words starting with s.
_Pronunciation of "sh".
_Very marked pronunciation of "h".
_The r pronunciation is to marked.
_This accent are terrible.

3-Do you think it is necessary having a good English to get better results in your company?

-I think actualy is very important. The world are included, and for the futur of the companys is better the workers have a good level of english. For the comunication with other company.

4-Are businessmen really concerned about the importance of English for their jobs?

-The people are very concerned about the important of english, but certain people don't are agree with that. They have mistaken.

Carolina Valdovinos said...

a) I think that the main reason why Soraya has a better pronunciation than Rafael, is the difference of age that they had. Nowadays, learning English is most important than 20 years ago. We all are in a globalized society, and is most frecuent to learn English and to have contact with the American, or English, culture.
Also, now, because of the globalization learning English is more important if you want to get a job.

- Pronunciation of "e" in words starting with s-, like for example "Spain" /espeIn/.
- Very marked pronunciation of "h", for example in the word "here"
- Very hard pronunciation of "t", like in the word: "better".
- Pronunciation of "or", instead "er", like in: "words".
- Final endings.

Anonymous said...

gossip girl is comeback

sandra said...

sandra covarrubias 1bab
veronica vargas
catalina troncoso

There`s a lot of difference and i think that probably the differnece is their education. the girl is more younger than Rphael and probably she has learned english since she was little, she has more experience in the language and raphael not.

4th.- Yes it´s an influence negatively because he can´t express very well the things that he want to say, other things he transmit a bad impression about his personality and his company.

Yes in our days is very important to hace a good english because you can get a better communication with other people and the most important to hace more opportunities in the life.

P.dorado said...

Yes, I think this speech will inffluence negatively on him.
A bad pronounciation in english gives to a person a bad look. But normally it doesn't matter because few people hear him speaking. But when is an important person like Emilio Botin who is speakin for everyone, it gives a very bad look of his country. The people who listen at this speech will think that in spain everybody speak like him.

Anonymous said...

had, was, discovered, got

parent: father and mother together
fathers: is father in plural but only the male figure

Mother= Mon

Weapon= arma

- De ahora en adelante padres e hijos pueden luchar en igualdad de condiciones
- La suavidad de su pielatrajo toda la atención de su mamá

No because is very important the publicity